"By designing a product with
environmental parameters in mind, companies can increase profits by
reducing material input costs, extending product life cycles by giving
them second and third life-spans or by appealing to a specific consumer
--Green Product Design at 1-2, BSR Ed.
Changing the selling and buying habits of the world begins with an
understanding and harnessing of market mechanisms. MTS is accelerating the
market by employing "market drivers."
Purchasing Criteria:
Persuade Purchasers to Buy the
Sustainable Way. There is a huge ripple effect being set in
motion by large purchasers including government agencies specifying
sustainable criteria in their purchasing orders. From furniture and paper
supplies to fleet vehicles, large numbers of consumer goods are processed
every day inside government offices. The officials who determine the
"specs" on purchasing orders can also help determine how quickly
sustainable products and practices move into the mainstream. In the case
of subcontracting by the U. S. Navy, for instance, architectural and
engineering firms will no longer be hired unless they have passed a
sustainability assessment. The products are scored on how they benefit the
environment in eleven life cycle categories from climate change to smog.
With this guide, government purchasing officers can apply their enormous
monetary clout to the best possible advantage in the new economy.
Explain the Value of Sustainable Products to Product Officials.
A lack of information and schooling in the economics of sustainability is
perhaps the most significant obstacle that must be overcome. Once the
facts are explained, officials in government, industry and the
professional services respond favorably and take positive action. Sustainable
Products Training© has 120 cosponsors representing Federal, state and
local governments, environmental groups, publications, and industry.
Make Everyone Aware that Sustainability Products Equal Business Success.
MTS is working with business and public-interest groups that are involved
from one side of the sustainability spectrum to the other, from setting up
the protocols through the supply chains and purchasing programs. One of
the key collaborations is evaluating and updating the standards as they
emerge and ensure they are well-publicized.
Investor Criteria:
Guide Investors to Sustainable Companies.
Investors obviously want good value for their dollars, and those dollars
can exert a dramatic influence on the next generation of products. MTS has
developed a complete range of criteria by which investors can find and
identify companies that buy, make and sell sustainable products.
Green Building Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS).
In 1995 mortgage backed securities were offered for buildings completing Phase I environmental site assessments (ESAs) to avoid cleanup liability. These securities provided much higher value and lower risk to investors, and were rated higher by Standard & Poors allowing greater profit margins for investment bankers. Phase I ESA MBS achieved 95% market penetration of all commercial buildings in five years. Green Building MBS is proposed to be initiated in 2004 by investment bankers at the request of leading elected officials, Johnson Controls, Philips, Invista/Dupont, Forbo Flooring, Hines, Sigal Construction, and Green Building MBS purchasers.
Why are these securities attractive to investors? The buildings whose mortgages are in Green Building MBS pools have higher value from lower building operating costs, greater occupant satisfaction, increased value and tenant retention, and greater access to capital. For example, for its green building headquarters, National Geographic increased its appraised value, received a higher Moody's credit rating, increased tenants' rents,lowered interest rates on loans secured by the realty, and enjoyed reduced worker absenteeism creating a projected added value of $50M.
Download Capipial Markets Partnership Brochure on Sustainable Mortgage Backed Securities
See Article to 100,000 Building Owners on Benefits of Green Building MBS
Download (PDF format - 24K) .
See Green CMBS - Pooling green building mortgages into securities and showcasing their value in the financial market may be the next big step for green buildings
Download (PDF format - 368K) .
Sustainable Products Development:
Providing Supplier Protocols to the Market.