Sustainability is a complex and evolving discipline that is migrating rapidly into the mainstream. It is critical that issues surrounding sustainable products and standards are addressed in a transparent fashion. We have complied the answers to some frequently asked questions. If you have another question plesae contact us. We will be happy to research the issue and provide an answer.
Q: What are SMaRT certified sustainable products?
A: They are independently certified products best for the environment, economy and social equity.
Q: What does SMaRT stand for?

Sustainable Materials Rating Technology

Q: How are SMaRT sustainable products identified?
A: They must score 28 out of 157 points in the following areas covering all product stages across the global supply chain:
  • Safe for Public Health & Environment
  • Energy Reduction and Renewable Energy Materials
  • Company & Facility Requirements including Social Equity
  • Reuse & Reclamation
    Q: What are the levels for Sliver, Gold & Platinum Certification?

    Silver is 41-60, Gold is 61-89 and Platinum is 90-157.

    Q: How are SMaRT sustainable products certified?
    A: Manufacturers must:
    • Submit a completed Application
    • Pass a data audit
    • Execute a legally binding certification that the data are accurate, not mis leading and qualified professionals were used
    • Publish a summary of the certification on a web site
    • Pass an outside third party audit
    • Renew certification every three years
    Q: Who conducts SMaRT auditing / certification?

    Ernst & Young's Global Sustainable Auditing Group & Redstone Global Auditing

    Q: What are the benefits of specifying SMaRT Certified Sustainable Products?

    SMaRT certified products:

    • Reduce over 2000 pollutants including climate pollution, toxic pollut ants, acid rain, ozone depletors, water and air pollutants and solid and hazardous waste
    • Reduce conventional energy use & use Green-e Renewable Power
    • Employ sustainable agriculture with the most credit for organic products with EPA / Purdue University Best Management Practices
    • Reuse and recycle products lessening waste to landfills and incinerators
    • Improve manufacturer profitability, brand, share, and competitive advantage
    • Are overwhelmingly preferred by consumers and purchasers according to Federal Trade Commission and environmental surveys
    Q: Why choose SMaRT?

    SMaRT is:

    • The leading brand Has the most adoptions (8) including AIA, USGBC / LEED credit, Fire man's Fund, Sustainable Furniture Council & City of Santa Monica
    • Transparent, quantified, global and prevents greenwash which is unlaw ful Covers 80% of the world's products excluding only planes and vehicles
    • Incorporates over 20 other leading sustainable product standards
    • A consensus standard the result of 15 years of approvals including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
    • Favored for adoption including by governments and the capital markets, because it is a leadership consensus standard greatly advancing global sustainability and consensus standards substantially reduce risk and un certainty.
      An EMERGENCY Standard part of AIA's Directive to reduce 60% of conventional energy use in buildings by 2015.
    Q: What is LCA and why does SMaRT mandate it?

    LCA evaluates multiple environmental impacts over all product stages as required by law for sustainable products.

    Q: What is LCA and why does SMaRT mandate it?

    LCA evaluates multiple environmental impacts over all product stages as required by law for sustainable products.

    Q: Who controls SMaRT?

    SMART Consensus Committees have exclusive jurisdiction for SMaRT approval, interpretation, and mandatory revisions

    Q: Who administers SMaRT?


    Q: Who has oversight of MTS?

    MTS is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Developer that undergoes ANSI audits.

    Q: Who can participate in SMaRT?

    All interested and affected parties.  Participation is not restricted.

    Q: How does SMaRT involve industry trade associations?

    Industry trade associations officially participate through one or more of their Members as approved by ANSI.